Monday, August 27, 2012

25.08.12 Hard work and Hagfish

The weather has been very spring like over the last week, Saturday forecast was looking good so Murray and I headed out to South rocks to look for snapper and Terakihi, we went to the "Wall" where we caught the Terakihi last week to find 10 metres of fish, deep red on the fish finder, meaning big fish tightly packed, so we dropped our baits and I caught a nice Terakihi within seconds and that was that, no matter what we put down we couldn't get a bite let alone a fish. The general opinion latter was they may have been Blue Moki spawning. We headed back to the "Rope" for some snapper fishing that was slow but Murray managed a few small snapper and on my side of the boat I managed 3 Terakihi. We moved to a new rock we found that showed good sign but the increasing northeast wind made setting the anchor hard, with us continually dragging the anchor. Over the next 2 hours of setting and dragging the anchor Murray managed another 7 snapper and me 1, to finish the day off I managed a double hook up of blind eels (Hagfish), the worse thing ever, they are purple coloured and are covered in gallons of slimy clear snot. Time to leave, a hard days fishing.
This link will take you to a video of blind eels (Hagfish) after the shark the next fish shown is a Hapuka.!

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