Tuesday, August 14, 2012

11.08.12 A break in the rain.

Blue Moki 5kg
From Wednesday it has been fine and calm except it still has managed to rain at night and Saturday is meant to be good, so with Gazebo loaded and Murray picked up at 7am, we head out to Westpac via the Harbour. The sea is good with a light land wind, we arrive at the main Westpac spot and do a drop without anchoring to see whats there. I get a double strike of snakes (barracouta) and Murray one, 3 snakes and down 2 sinkers and 2 hooks- it's going to be an expensive day if this keeps up. We move a little deeper (90 metres) and drift over a ledge, I hook up to and land a 5 kilo Blue Moki, which is a surprise because I thought they were shallow reef dwellers. Murray hooks a nice sized Terakihi from a school of fish that extends 8 metres from the bottom, we set our anchor and we then reset our anchor as the current and light wind push us off the fish. Our third attempt and we are in the fish, we put 22 Terakihi in the bin before we drift off the mark. It was not all plain sailing as the snakes found us again and being the tax collectors they are we lost a number of sinkers and hooks. At lunch time we decided to do a bit of exploring and headed out to the first drop off.

The Seal that came to play
On the way I noticed something out to sea and taking a second look saw a water spout from a whale, we turned and headed towards them for a look, Murray said to me "get your camera out" and the old "nec minute" a Humpback whale breached 150 metres off our bow, seen it on TV but never in real life, I now had the camera ready and waited, only to see the whales in the distance heading away. We headed to a spot not far away in 165 metres for a drift fish, as soon as the gear got to the bottom we were joined by a seal, with nothing happening we wound up and headed home to be joined by a pod of dolphins, what a day, makes up for all of the shitty ones we have been having.

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