Thursday, August 2, 2012

03.08.12 Rain, rain and more rain

I know its winter but the rain continues, easterly after easterly, the ground is sodden, we or should I say me thought Sunday would be good for a fish, Saturday afternoon there was no wind and the sea was glassy, so Sunday morning with the valley I live in was shrouded in fog, it looked good. We launched Gazebo in the harbour and headed out to sea, the bay was good - nice and calm, swung passed the island out to sea and the conditions changed dramatically, big confused swell and a rising easterly wind, after a couple of km's of hard slog we saw a couple of Orca's, we stopped for a look and deciding the sea was getting worse and it was not worth it we turned around and headed home.

It was nice to see that the local paper reported we are having the wettest year for the last 25 years, it can stop any time it wants now, the locals have had enough, we need a good dose of vitamin D (via the sun).

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