Monday, December 27, 2010

Xmas break

I have 4 days off for Christmas, the weather reports are good for the first 3 days, so with my son Matt home for the break we are looking forward to some father and son bonding. Friday night we set 3 crayfish (like a lobster but with no claws) pots after work in front of our camp site at Pouawa beach (in Gisborne we have a number of beaches we can freedom camp on for a small fee, our caravan is only a few metres from the sand and sea).
Xmas day Matt and I get up at 4am and head out and pull the pots to find 6 legal crayfish for Christmas lunch, the sea is calm so we head out to BS1A 30km's out for a quick drift fish. the sea is a bit sloppy that far out and the fish weren't playing the game but we managed a nice Bluenose for the table, the sea inside was flat calm, we managed to find a work up with gannets and dolphins so we dusted off the lures and managed a couple of fat Kawhai (also known as sea trout). We managed to be back home and have the boat cleaned all before lunch.
Boxing day, Murray joined us and we headed out again and checked the pots, no legal size crays but lots of small ones, we were going to head out deep but hear on the radio that the seabreeze was already up so we stayed inside for a Tarakihi fish, but yet again we were unable to find let alone catch a fish, we met up with 5 other boats all with the same fish. Last night at 1am we had a good earthquake (4.9) maybe that had some bearing for the lack of fish, anyway we went home with our tails between our legs.
Monday 27.12.10. We are up early again and head out to check our pots again, this time we have only 2 legal crays but they are beauties, we head out wide again to our favourite spot TR1A the sea is calm with a very light seabeeze. We spend the next 4 hours drift fishing and catching 3 nice Hapuka and one Trumpeter (the biggest Hapuka was 14kg's). We came home to our hot dry northwester winds that sent our temperature soaring into the high 30's - summer is finally here ya.
Tuesday the winds have turned gale force from the northwest, so it is a day chilling out at the camp site.
Have a Happy New Year everyone.

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