Tuesday, December 14, 2010

15.12.2010 Here we go again

Our run of bad weather continues, with persistent easterlies now forecast until Christmas. The only redeeming feature is that the water temp is rising, up to 18 degrees (C) and the first Tuna were caught in the Carpet court contest (7 and 9 kg Albacore). So with any luck the easterlies will push warm water down from the tropics and we will have a good game season, already reading reports from Cape Runaway, that say the commercial fleet are catching Yellow Fin and Big eye tuna's, so we are hoping they will head on down here.
With my son Matt coming home for Xmas I hope the weather will clear so we can take Gazebo out.
Merry Christmas to all those reading my blog, cheers and have a good one.

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