Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years break

And better (view to the south)
Kept on getting better

Amazing sunset

The view to the east
(sun setting)

The view

Our camp site (freedom camping kiwi style)

News years day was Easterly so I headed to our camp site for breakfast and had a relaxing day with the family after a hectic day at work New Years eve. Gisborne hosts the Rhythm and Vines music festival attracting 25000 kids (over 18's) to town. Gisborne's population is around 35000 so things can get a wee bit busy.
02.01.2011 For the life of me I can't remember what we did or where we went, I don't think we caught anything again but we put the cray pots out.

03.01.2011 We checked our pots early and had 5 legal crays in the pots and we then headed out to South rocks, the sea breeze was already getting up, we went to a spot that has been good to us in the past and anchored up it was slow fishing but we managed to catch 4 Tarakihi (yay the first ones in weeks) Just off the stern a work up developed so we pulled in the anchor and head over to it. We got the jigs out and slow drifted along side the work up, Murray managed a good strike and after 5 or 10 minutes had a nice Kingfish on board (20.850kg's) not to be out done I soon had a good strike on my jig and after about 5 minutes managed somehow to drop the fish... dam... the language wasn't very good on the boat for a while. The sea breeze was howling by 10am so we packed up and headed home.

04.01.2011 Again we checked the pots early, but we weren't early enough someone else had done it for us, we managed only 2 legal crays in one pot with a large conger eel inside. We were heading out to the drop off, about 5 km's out we went through a bank of fog to find on the other side the sea breeze was already blowing, aa quick change of plans we turned and headed over to penguins reef, we found 10 metres of fish sign on the fish finder. We anchored beautifully on top of them, we managed to catch about 18 Tarakihi while catching and releasing the same number of Red Cod. Again the sea breeze was in full force by 10am, we pulled the plug again and headed home.

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