Sunday, February 14, 2010


New day better forecast I get up at 5, look outside see large frontal clouds and hear the wind in the trees - text Murray go back to bed, 8.00am wake up fine calm day - Bugger - we are on the water by 9ish. the sea is flat and calm we head to BS1A for a few drifts, First drop a small bass and a Gemfish, soon another Gemfish, then it went quiet, I managed to pull up a Terakihi on a size 16 circle hook from 225 meters, much easier to catch them in 35 meters. the day was perfect with light winds all day, the sea temp was 22.3 but we couldn't find any bird activity, the first marlin (117kg stripe) for the season was caught at Roman nose so the action should start hotting up over the next few weeks.

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