Sunday, February 7, 2010


The ones we kept
It doesn't get much better
Murray with another snapper
The bar is still closed so back onto the harbour again, we spend most of the day checking out different areas, but end up at yesterdays spot, on the turn of the tide the snapper came on we ended up catching 16 snapper the heaviest weighed 3.4 kgs which we are told is a very good fish for this end of the harbour out of the 33 snapper we caught we only kept 9 for the rest of the gang that was turning up for the weekend, the rest were released (17-16 to me). Sea lettuce is a problem in the harbour(looks like the lettuce we eat) it raps around your line in the Strong currents found in the harbour, at mid tide the current is at it's strongest and the lettuce gets to be a big problem and we call of the rest of the day and head back to the Bach for a beer or two.

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