Sunday, February 14, 2010


Back at home again, we head out at 6am into a not so good weather forecast, our mission was to go to new grounds for us, the dog leg area, which is 49km south east of Gisborne. The forecast had the northwest wind rising in to north to 40knots, as we headed out the wind was 10 to 15 knots but were rising so we changed plans and headed under the cliffs at the Whareratas, we had a look around checking out different marks but not finding anything worth fishing, the wind had eased so we headed back out to the dog leg on the way we found a nice area of foul in 50 meters of water producing a few Terakihi over a couple of drifts (worth checking out when its calm) the water temp was 21 degrees so we put out our plastics and started a troll home in the yet again raising winds, we managed to catch 3 small albacore tuna. the closer we got to home the winder it got, till we had a full on pound into the gale force northwesterly. I'm real happy with the way the Surtees handled herself. Tomorrows forecast is much better.

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