Monday, April 30, 2012

29.04.12 Out for a feed

Saturdays forecast was for a fine morning and a short southerly change at lunch and the forecasters got it spot on. Sunday the forecast was for light Northwesters calming at lunch and freshening in the evening, also spot on. We headed out from the Tata ramp to Aerial reef for a quick snapper fish, I went to my favorite spot and dropped the pick and put out the berlie bag, the current and wind were in opposite directions, which was a problem for us but not for the barracuda which took their normal tax rate of everything. I managed 1 snapper after a couple of hours so it was time to move. We traveled a long the reef and about the mid way point saw some likely sign but went on to penguins reef the northern end about 5 km's away. That to had the same wind v's current problem, so again up with the pick and back to the mid way spot. In went the pick and first bait Murray had a nice snapper around 2-3kg, second bait a nice 4-5kg fish, we managed another one each and then the barracuda took over again as well as rat Kingfish (undersize). By 1pm we had enough and headed home with enough fish to feed our families.

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