Tuesday, June 7, 2011

04.06.11 Queens Birthday Weekend

Ancient old Pohutukawa tree

Looking up the road to Cape Runaway

Across the road from the Bach on Sunday

The Bach at Waihou Bay

Back after Saturdays fish

Queens birthday weekend is our last long weekend before summer, so Johnstone, Ethan, Evan and myself booked the Bach at Waihou Bay again. Hopefully the weather would be a lot kinder this year than last year, but the forecast wasn't that good. We headed up after work on Friday night in 2 4x4's with 2 small boats. The 4 hour drive was longer than usual due to the road conditions, since we were up the coast for our cricket trip in the end of May, there has been several large rain storms that has dealt to the roads with slips and washouts everywhere.
Saturday morning reveals a light to moderate northeasterly so we head to our cricket rock which is sheltered from the easterlies. We get the berlie out and are soon molested by Kahawai, it is real hard to get a large stray line bait to the bottom for the snapper to have ago at. When a bait does get to the bottom the snapper drag us into the weed or over a ledge and we do our best to keep the fishing shops in business for another year by losing trace after trace, but over the day we manage to catch 9 nice snapper and one small but legal Kingfish. As the day gets on the wind picks up and at times we have to hang on to the rocks in the gusts, so by 3pm we call it a day and head back to the beach, only to find the swell has picked up from flat to over a metre, it took some good seamanship to get the boats in safely.
Sunday turned out to be the same as last year - heavy rain, big swells and strong winds, so it ended up a day of cards and emptying the chilly bin.
One of these days our luck will change and we will get, great weather and even better fishing.

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