Sunday, May 29, 2011

29.05.11 The perfect weather continues

With only a couple of days to go before it is winter in the southern hemisphere our run of perfect weather continues. Saturday I sleep in and decided to do some jobs around home, what a mistake not a breath of wind all day flat calm. Sunday we got up early to find a light southerly (our bad weather comes from this direction) so off we went. The sea wasn't as good as we had hoped with a 10 knot southerly the sea was choppy, we headed to Ariel reef for a snapper stray line and shallow water was quite rough. We gave the berlie time to work and perservered all morning for only 2 snapper, I must say Murray who hates stray lining was very patient and didn't start moaning until lunch time, at 1 pm we pulled the anchor and where heading out to south rocks when the cell phone went with a problem at work, so it was time to head in. About 8km's from shore the sea just flattened out and turned to glass, amazing how different the sea can be over a few k's.

footnote: It looks as if the Blue fin caught last week may be a world record, the heaviest world record Pacific blue fin on 60kg line is around 145kg even though NZ records are over 300kg. (may be the cost of registering for a world record puts us Kiwis off)

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