Monday, March 28, 2011

27.03.11 Cossie club surfcasting comp

Saturday lunch time found me (by chance) in the Discount fishing shop and one of the Gisborne Cosmopolitan fishing adjunct committee members came in, being a member of the club I asked him when the club was having it's surf casting competition. The answer was "tomorrow at 7am", Bugger. The rest of the afternoon was spent sorting out my surf gear , making traces and getting organised as I haven't competition fished for over a year. 5am I'm up waiting for light and the rain is steady but there is no wind, I leave home at 7, thinking this is a waste of time (probably be a big swell) and I find the sea flat and calm. By 8am I have 2 rods set up and baits in the water, I soon have a Kahawai for weighing (not big but alright). About 20 minutes latter I have a kilo snapper for weighing as well, while it was being collected I land a Trevally (small but legal). At 11 the marshal tells me I am leading all 3 divisions, 10 minutes later while picking up a smaller snapper I had just caught he tells me my Kahawai is now in third place, 10 minutes later while up at my 4x4 that is parked at high tide my rod goes off with a big bite, as I race down to my rod my foot sinks into soft sand and I feel myself falling, I manage to drop my shoulder and execute a perfect commando roll and I'm back on my feet running to my rod. I manage to pull in a nice Kahawai and back to 1st. I managed to take out all 3 divisions heaviest Snapper $500, Kahawai $500, Other Species $200 and 3rd heaviest snapper $100. Not a bad result for the day I wish all contests can end like that for me.

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