Monday, March 14, 2011

12.03.11 Bronwynkay ladies contest

Deb, Trish and Leann AKA Priscilla Queens of the Desert

After last weeks postponement we were ready, Friday night 8.30 the boat was loaded and the girls were ready, lunch made and then the terrible news from Japan a 8.9 earthquake and a tsunami alert for New Zealand..oh we'll see what happens in the morning.

5.30am the girls are here and we are watching the TV and seeing all those clips from Japan, next minute all our phones get a text message "Delay to start, 8.00am", so on goes the kettle and we settle in to watch the news updates. at 6.00am the Tsunami alert is canceled for New Zealand so we head down to the ramp at 7am and launch Gazebo and head out to Aerial Reef. The sea conditions are not so good, a light southerly is blowing and the sea is sloppy. we arrive at Aerial at 8.00am and drop the pick on the same spot we were on last year. We soon had berley in the water and baits on the stray lines. Trish caught a snapper at 1.35kg followed by Leann with a couple of smaller ones. Deb not to be out done pulled in a Kingfish at 6.3kg. The sea and wind kept on getting worse and we started to drag the anchor, we caught a couple of other fish that weren't in the comp and by noon the sea was getting ugly so it was time to pull the pick and head home. We hadn't realised that all morning we were getting Tsunami surges that were going against the tide, the biggest was about a metre drop in the harbour basin followed by a metre surge (no damage done). we arrived back safely on land at 2.30. The girls did really well no one was sick although they had moments when they weren't that good. Deb managed to come third in the Kingfish division and the girls won the fancy dress at the prize giving.

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