Thursday, February 17, 2011

17-20.02.11 The Eastland Port Tuna Hunt

Day three.. Team White Pointer

Still waiting and waiting

Day Four. And still waiting

And still waiting .. and the sea got ugly

still waiting and the sea got uglier

Day one ...... Work - bugger. I have jumped on to a 8 metre White Pointer Boat owned and built by Rex (owns the company that builds them). Because of work commitments I wasn't able to go out but the boys(the cricket team I play for) went out and managed to get a double strike and landed 2 nice Short billed Spearfish 31.50kg on 37kg line (club record) and 23.60Kg on 24kg line would have been a club record if Cod had been a member. So far only one Marlin has been landed 103.9kg stripey.

Day two ..... Work - bugger again. Should of been there... Gnome caught and landed a 117kg striped Marlin on 37kg line, put him into the lead

Day three .... Finally I'm out fishing, the weather is good and the sea is settling down. The two days I missed the conditions weren't good but were fish able. Well, we trolled and trolled and trolled and trolled ............. nothing - not even a touch, 12 hours and nothing (beautiful conditions). Tzer weighted in a 137kg Stripe Marlin so our day in the sun was over.

Day four .... We are up Early as it is a short day, we head out and the weather has gone to pieces, in fact as the morning went on it just got plain ugly. A lot of the big boats stuck their noses out of the bay an turned around and went back to port, few of us gave it ago, we managed to catch a small albacore and a small Marco shark (released). We came back to port at 1.00pm in the rain and low cloud in the end we should have stayed home. Gnome managed to come second with his Marlin and Rex won the Short Billed Spearfish.

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