Saturday, August 28, 2010

28.08.10 Calm weather at last

Clive hauling his first shark up from 2oo metres

Finally a calm forecast lead to a calm outcome. Murray, Clive and myself left Tata ramp at 6.30 am and headed out to BS1A to have a drift for a Puka or 2 in 200 metres of water. The lack of any current unfortunately bought out the sharks, we found heaps of sign but ended up with sharks - Clive was happy, one of his wants was to catch a shark, he can now cross that off. The only other boat out with us Tzar managed to catch a Kingfish of 20kg's from 200 metres a feat not often heard of, not to be out done Murray manged to land one also but his was just legal so we released it. After getting sick and tired of sharks we headed back to the spot where we caught all the snapper last trip, yet again heaps of sign but nothing biting (no current). The last time I took Clive out was the only time we have never caught a fish, so the word Jonah (a person who brings bad luck on a boat) was starting to be mentioned. We then decided to try a new spot a cliff that rises out of 100 metres to 60 metres, Clive was soon into Terakihi so his new nick name was thrown overboard, it was slow but steady and we ended with 22 Terakihi (enough for everyone to have a good feed). With only 2 days to go to the start of spring, today was beautiful warm and calm my face even has a touch of red from the sun - come on the warm weather.

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