Sunday, August 8, 2010

08.08.10 Total cock up

Well I thought I knew how to read the weather, how I totally cocked this weekend up. The forecast for Saturday was light winds in the morning rising to 2o knots from the north in the afternoon and a solid 1 metre swell. The swell was solid Friday night and with rising winds forecast we thought we would wait till Sunday. Saturday was calm all day wind at all. Sundays forecast was morning drizzle easing and light winds tending from the west, 10-15 knots in the afternoon, well Sunday morning 6.00 am woke to the sound of rain on the roof so I rolled over, 7.30 am woke to the sound of silence looked outside and the drizzle had gone and there was no wind at all, texted Murray "be there soonish", 9.00am finally at the ramp and launched Gazebo and headed out to south rocks (20 km out) 5 ks out the wind started to pick up from the south (where all our bad weather comes from) we arrived at our spot in choppy seas and a rising swell - in fact it was dammed unpleasant. Our rock had good sign on it so we dropped the anchor so we could get a quick feed and head home but the anchor keep dragging we were only able to catch 1 Tarakihi, after several attempts to anchor we gave up and went to another spot we liked that was on the way home. This too had good sign and was much rocker than the last spot, we dropped the anchor and was rewarded with a couple of tarakihi, soon we had a snapper on board, and it was all on. The snapper bullied the tarakihi out of the way and we were catching snapper as fast as we could get our gear to the bottom, 17 snapper on board in under a hour, the snapper were good fat 1 - 2 kg specimens and our bin was filled - lest we had some reward for the unpleasant conditions. We pulled the anchor and home we went.
One day we'll get to fish in perfect conditions (hopefully).

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