Sunday, April 25, 2010


After spending the last weekend giving the boat a good clean and scrub after a busy summer of fishing the forecast was to good to ignore. Saturday dawned fine and calm so I mowed the lawns - dug the garden etc, it was to much for me to handle, so that night I texted Murray to see if he wanted to go out Sunday "yip" was the answer. We had a late start - 9am and left from the harbour going to westpac (a bank 28km's south of Gisborne). On the way to Westpac we saw a small area of bird activity, so we chucked over a lure to see what was in the water. A couple of passes later I had a strike and landed a small Albacore tuna. 10 minutes later we had 4 lures out, half an hour latter we managed to land a nice Skippie but the going was hard, there was a lot of sign down deep but little action on the surface(maybe a bit cold for them (17.8 degrees)). We called it quits and headed out to Westpac. The sea breeze was just starting so we used it to do a drift to see what was there, it didn't take long to find a patch of fish and down went the anchor. We were straight into Tarakihi and some good sized ones, after an hour I had a good hit and managed to boat a Kingfish of about 16kg. Our anchor started to drag in the sea breeze, we pulled it up and noticed a patch of badly frayed rope, looks as if a shark must of had a bit of a chew on it. Not wanting to risk losing our anchor we decided to head home with the 16 Tarakihi and 1 Kingfish we had caught , enough to feed our families and friends.

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