Sunday, December 9, 2012

09.12.12 $5 dollar fishing.....yeah right

Summer has arrived well and truly, the temperature have warned up to the high 20's. Sundays forecast had a large high moving over us which should give us calm weather, we decided to fish Sunday and head out to what we call the supermarket.
The supermarket is a small group of rocks in 40 metre's of water, 2k's straight off the ramp where fish start to gather in December through to late February - easy and cheap fishing for us.
We had heard that some good catches have been made of late. So at 6 am I pick Murray up and we where soon dropping the pick over good sign. With in half an hour we where joined by another 5 boats, but we  never had a bite and looking at the other boats they to weren't having any luck either. Saturday morning we had a 5.4 earthquake so we put it down to that, as the sea looked real good we pulled the pick and headed out to baistows 29 k's out. We stopped at Arial reef to jig some bait from a large Kahawai work up we came across and them headed out , the sea was calm except for a increasing swell. we dropped our gear in 220 metre's and slowly drifted over the rocky areas, we managed a few Gemfish until Murray hooked up and manged to boat 2 nice Hapuka. I kept on catching Gemfish until finally I landed a Hapuka and a small Bluenose, which were soon joined by another 2 Bluenose, with our bin full we headed home after one more drop on a area of rocks new to us, after a big battle I got to the boat a large shark which was released and it was time to go. We got to the ramp to find the swell had increased and a half metre wave was running down the channel that made trailering the boat very interesting - we nearly lost it but all ended well. So a trip to the gas station on the way home and we were $90 poorer - so much for $5 fishing.

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