Wednesday, May 30, 2012

28.05.12 Gutted

With only 5 days to go till the end of the 11/12 fishing season for the Gisborne Tatapouri sports fishing club, Ray Scott went out and caught a magnificent 13.065kg snapper to knock me off the leader board. So out I went again on Saturday to my spot with half of my bait freezer on board, We berlied up in lumpy conditions, the perfect glassy sea from Thursday and Friday had gone as usual with a quick southerly front Friday night. The fishing was slow I manged 3 nice eaters of around 3kg and Murray 1 before the snakes (barracuda) arrived on mass, taking tackle as fast as we could retie it, so time to leave. We headed out to the drop off for a Hapuka (Groper) fish, but only managed 5 nice 4kg Bluenose scattered between sharks and spiney dogfish fat with eggs. After 3 large sharks in a row we had enough and headed back to town.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

18.05.12 Day off

18.05.12 I had the day off work, texted Murray to see if he could get the day off as well as I thought the conditions would be good, he texted back wanting to know what weather site I had looked at as the ones he had were for strong sou west winds and a rising swell. I so as I was Johnny no friends I loaded my surf caster rods and drove up the coast to Losiels beach, the view out to sea from the hills was fantastic glassy, no wind and hardly any swell (bugger I thought, should of been out on the boat). Losiels was looking good as I drove along the beach to my spot, the sand had partly gone from the cliffs so at low tide there wasn't a lot of room to drive between the rocks and the sea but it was ok. My first cast produced a small but legal snapper that was released, 2 hours latter and 3 Kahawai (all released) I caught another small snapper and released it as well. It was about time to go, I had big hit and something loaded up the rod only to spit out the bait, properly a stingray but enough to think, should I stay longer, but nah, the tide was coming in and it was time to go. Just as well as I did leave, the sea was up to the rocks and I had to wait for a wave to suck out so I could drive around otherwise I would have had to wait to low tide that night at 10pm to get around again. Driving home the sea was still perfect but as usual the wind picked up by 4pm and the weekend turned to custard. Hopefully we can get out this weekend coming.