Sunday, March 18, 2012

19.03.12 The worse summer ever

Not much to write about, the crappy weather continues, this would have to be the worse summer in the last 40 years that I can remember. The pastoral farmers are happy, they have plenty of feed and water, the cropping and grape farmers not so - too wet and not enough sun. The rest of us are just pissed off big time, our normal hot dry summer has turned into a wet - humid - cloudy one. The Tuna/Marlin season looks like it has lasted a whole 5 days (a marlin was hooked and lost in the weekend) with the warm water now out to sea it means those wanting to catch a Marlin will have to burn a lot of fuel to get there, it may come back in but it will take a weather/current change to allow it. Our cricket team are about to go up to Lottin Point for our annual fishing trip for 5 days and a heavy rain warning has just gone out for the region = Great!! (More about that on my return)

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