Monday, November 28, 2011

20/26.11.11 The discount fishing deep water contest

Wow where do I start. If you have been reading my earlier blogs you will see that we have been fishing the deep really well. Not so this contest, we travelled over 200 Kms and caught nothing - I mean not a fish did we bring home, this must have been our worse ever 2 days fishing.

The fist days fishing was postponed until the following Saturday due to a southerly front that turned a flat calm Fridays sea to 4 metre storm tossed mess.

Sunday - the sea had calmed down to around 1.5 metres and the wind had gone, so the contest was on. We travelled the fist day 120 kms visiting nearly every deep rocks we know, fishing from 180 metres deep to 350 metres - and nothing. At lest we were not alone, the majority of the fleet had the same story, except for 2 boats skippered by ex commercial long liners who went out to their old grounds (out of our range).
We have been having a few deep sea earthquakes of late and maybe that has upset the fish, who knows what goes on down there.

The following Saturday the conditions were good, but a southerly was forecast to arrive around lunchtime. Again no fish and again we weren't alone, except for the 2 ex-commercial fishermen. But the southerly turned up at 8.30am and with the sea turning to custard the contest was called off and all boats asked to return home on safety grounds. So for all the practise we had done we sucked big time.

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