Tuesday, April 19, 2011


16.04.11. I took the day off from fishing to do maintenance on Gazebo's trailer. As usual the weather kicked me in the goulies, on and off drizzle and not a breath of wind, the guys who went out said it was a perfect glassy sea with no wind all day...great and here I was grinding and trying to spray paint my trailer in between showers.

17.04.11. Having finished my work on the trailer Muz and I went out for a fish, we went south (I hate going south -never do any good). Bank rock - empty-nothing. Westpac grounds - nothing - empty again. Went east to south rocks, to one of our favorite spots - good sign, we dropped the anchor and missed to spot by metres but Murray caught a nice snapper so we gave it a go. Over the next few hours we managed to put 8 snapper in the bin after much work, we had to get our gear down to the bottom through the hoards of Barracuda that have returned for the winter, we are back to keeping the fishing supply shops in business.

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