Monday, October 25, 2010

26.10.10 A big fat zero

Holiday weekend the forecast was great with a big fat high centered on the North Island. Friday was southerly and it took Saturday to clean up, but Sunday was looking good - well almost, we headed out from Tata ramp at 5.30am out to our drop off spot at BS1A, on the way we dropped a couple of Crayfish pots off to soak for tomorrow. We arrived at BS1A only to find a light sea breeze already up, we did a number of drifts in 210 metres to catch nothing, just a couple of small scarifies which we kept in the live tank for bait, after a couple of hours we headed across to another spot about 4 Ks away but the wind had picked up a bit to much for drifting. We then headed into Penguins for a snapper stray line to test the area, well we found out that there were no snapper there, after using 10 litres of berlie and all we got were barracuda's and sharks. At 3 pm we pulled the pick and headed home, easy cleaning no fish to fillet.

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