Saturday, May 8, 2010

09.05.10 a fat zero

The forecast was good and Murray was working so I took a friend Clive out for the first time. we left the harbour and all was looking good to start with but 2 K's latter we were in open ocean and a 1.5 metre swell was rolling in from the east as well the land wind was blowing 15 knots ( back home it was our 2nd frost of the late autumn and no wind), it was pretty ugly, we were heading to westpac and changed and headed over to the shelter of the Whareratas to the west. We looked around and found nothing and caught nothing....yuk. The wind dropped and we headed out to fluke rocks, again no sign. So we headed further out to Bank rock, at last sign, we anchored and my gear was attacked by barracuda. Two sets of hooks and sinkers latter I finally got to the bottom yet Clive went straight down, strange my line is green coloured and his is red coloured, I've noticed in the past the red line gets attacked a lot less (note to self buy only red line in the future), After a hour and a half we still hadn't caught any eating fish and the sea was still pretty sloppy so we pulled the pick and headed home. This was the first time in years I haven't bought any fish home in fact I can not remember the last time. Suppose that's fishing hopefully next weekend I will get my mojo back.

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