Tuesday, January 19, 2010


With a good forecast I took the morning off from work and took Max out for a fish, Max is a rep from out of town, we have been planing a days fishing for months but today was the first time we have had a good forecast that coincides with his visit here. We left at 5am and headed to "SR4A" a spot that has been very good in the past, not to be undone we were greeted with a school of fish 3 metres thick over the rock, we quickly anchored and were straight into tarakihi, Max was pulling them in at 3 at a time, it didn't take long before beads of sweat were dripping of Max's forehead. With 20 in the bin we were selecting only the very biggest and letting the rest go, by 7am we called a halt and filleted the fish, with time to spare we had a cruise round and found a spot of bird action that turned out to be a seal eating a fish. We stopped for a look and the seal dived down again and bought up a fish and tossed in the air and left it and then moved off for another dive to the bottom, we moved over and gaffed it and added a nice John Dory to the bin. After Moko the dolphin catching fish in town for people we now have Sam the Seal doing the same thing out at sea. On the way home we had a few dolphin pods come over and ride our bow wave ... a very enjoyable day


  1. Hi Graeme, thanks once again for taking me out. Winding in Terakihi 3 at a time was hard work for a pen pusher.

    Cheers Max
