Sunday, November 15, 2009

14.11.09 discount fishing hapuka hunt

Same old story again, Friday - sea perfect, small swell, light winds. 10 o'clock Friday night a southerly front comes through "GREAT", not again, how many weekends has this happened, anyhow we get up at 5.30am and head to the ramp, last nights storm has gone and the sky is clear with a very light south breeze, the sea is lumpy but smooth and there is a half to one metre swell. Being a contest Murray and I head out to the drop off to look for Hapuka (about 29km's straight out to sea) we do a few drifts and I pick up one blue nose while Murray has caught and released a couple of small sharks (not fun when fishing in 220 metres of water). We move to outer penguins and do a few drifts catching a trumpeter (good eating) by lunch the sea breeze has replaced the very light breeze turning the sea to custard, so with a better forecast for Sunday we pull the pin and head home

Sunday - Did I say a better forecast...not.. gale force north westerlies 20-30 knots the swell has increased to 2.5 metres, 5.00am at the ramp, 7.00am back home for breakfast. Only the big boys boats are out today. The second contest of the season and we still suck...

Footnote. Monday back to work, swell flat, winds light....great... what have I done to upset the weather gods

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