Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hi, finally a break in the weather, what a shocker this winter has been so far, the water temp has gotten down to 14.7 degrees out at south rocks, we were able to finally take Gazebo out for its 2nd trip on Saturday, the weather forecast wasn't great but Saturday looked like a day of calm between bad weather systems. We left from town and went to westpac about 26 Kms out and spent a couple of hours drift fishing in 100 metres of water in a 1meter swell and a glass sea, there was very little current which isn't good for fishing. We pulled the pin after catching nothing and went over to couple spots we fish at south rocks catching 7 tarakihi and 3 snapper, we pulled the pin again and had a look around at various marks and decided to head home, by mid afternoon the swell had built to 1.5 to 2 metres with little wind, we saw Ariel reef breaking for the first time in the distance, the reef is 12 km offshore rising out of 60 metres of water to 3 metres below the surface at low tide - (it looked surf able from were we were) we had half a dozen albatross around the boat feeding on the small throw backs we had caught as well as 2 seals. the boat went really well I am very pleased with it.

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