Thursday, October 16, 2014

cunning plan

Young nicks charity contest, well we had a cunning plan - to go up to the Cape Runaway and fish our favorite spots from Gazebo...... To be honest it was our second cunning plan as the first weekend the contest was postponed due to gale force winds and the cunning plan we had planned is so good we will use it next year therefore I can't divulge it. Any way we left Gisborne to travel to the cape, a 4 hour drive, an hour into the drive we go through the Waioeka gorge (60km's long). 10km's to go and boom a trailer tyre explodes, great - lucky I had a spare, to the next small town and a call to the Tyre repair shops after hour number and were on our way again minus $200. The Cape rocks are the northern boundary of the contest so for 3 days we fish the eastern side in ever worsening weather as a low drops down on us while on the western side of the rocks (out of bounds) the sea is glassy flat (check the area out on Goggle maps - Cape Runaway - New Zealand). The fishing is hard, very hard. I managed to catch 4 snapper with the heaviest at 3.7kg, a long way from 12kg we need to win the $10000. My 2 crew struggled to catch anything, Graham managed to catch a couple of Kahawai, one looked good so we thought we would weight it in, he also caught a couple of Blue cod these were filleted and given to to owner of the place we had rented, bad move as it turned out they would have placed in the contest and to make matters worse our Kahawai weighed 2.850kg and was the heaviest ($500) BUT the weigh master wrote down on the sheet 2.285 and good bye $500, that topped our weekend off, but it was a great time away apart from the fishing.
 Cape Runaway
 Cape Rocks
 Cape Rocks in the rain
 Cape Runaway
Sunrise, calm this side rough the other side