Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Sorry not a lot happening, big sea and storms, just waiting for a break in the weather. We have a winter comp going for 3 months and the first month is nearly over and i haven't been out at all - not good, need my fix.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Queens birthday weekend

Its raining and blowing its gut's outside right now, in contrast Queens birthday weekend was breathless and flat seas, I on the other hand went (was dragged screaming) up to Bowentown to the batch and left the boat at home. I have never seen it so flat in the Bay of Plenty, on Saturday we managed to get Cliff to take us out in his runabout and cross the bar, we anchored in 13 metres of water and berlied and caught and kept 27 snapper and released another 20 odd, all in a couple of hours - $10 fishing. While back home off Gisborne the sea was flat and calm as well with good catches reported. Oh well can't win them all.