Wednesday, December 28, 2011


the run of bad weather took a break for the Christmas holidays (4 days off work), finally the sun came out and the sea calmed down. With Matt home for Xmas we put out the crayfish (like Lobster but without the claws, all the meat is in the tail) pots for Christmas lunch. We took the rods and zoomed round to Coopers bank its only 5 kms offshore, Tzar radioed they were doing real well, they had left when we arrived at my marks, after a couple of hours Matt managed a nice 3kg snapper and a big Blue cod 2.5kg. we moved closer to the ramp to a spot called ramp rock and managed a few Tarekihi and a couple more small snapper.
Christmas day we checked the pots and 3 legal crays went in the live bait tank and back home to cook them up.
Boxing day another 3 legal crays went into the live bait tank, and again Craig from Tzar called us over to Coopers bank saying it was fishing well, this time we arrived to find them about 1.5 kms away from my mark so we dropped the pick on some sign near them and watched them catch fish after fish - nothing big, all around pan size, we managed 10 snapper enough to feed everyone.
The day after boxing day we checked the pots again to find 10 legal cray fish waiting for a ride in the live bait tank. I was going out deep to take Matt Hapuka fishing but the sea breeze was already starting to blow so we headed over to coopers again, only to find it a boat parking lot. Finding a spot was easy but staying on it was the problem, 3 boats were on the hot spot and holding and were doing well while the rest of us were dragging our anchors and catching nothing. we tried for 3 hours and gave up after multi resets of the anchor.
The forecast for the New Year break has a tropical storm heading our way so it looks like fishing will be off again, when is our summer going to kick in is the big question??????

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

15.12.11 The weather sucks

Sorry about the lack of posts but Gazebo hasn't left the driveway since the last contest, we have had weeks of easterlies - on shore winds, humid, cloudy and light drizzle so far the summer totally sucks. The only good bit is it is pushing warm tropical water closer to Gisborne, so hopefully when we are able to get out there will be Tuna about.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all those who read my blog.