Friday, July 29, 2011

29.07.11 Mental Health day

After all the crap weather we have been having, this weekends looks like another wipe out, but Fridays forecast was really good so Muz and I both took a Mental health day off and headed out. We went to Baistows which is 30K's out, the sea was a little choppy and a 1.5 metre swell running but the wind was forecast to die off by lunch. We found a little sign over a couple of rocks 210 metres down and managed to catch our usual sharks and a few reef fish - nothing we were after, so time to move. After a quick 17 km run up the coast to thunder rock we found a lot of sign at 180 metres. Our first drop yielded a lot of good bites (felt like Trumpeter) with the wind now playing to plan and completely dropping away we let Gazebo drift off the rock and picked up our first Hapuka (Groper) we zoomed back to the rock and dropped our gear again, still good bites and a drift away and another Hapuka. Next time I rigged a second rod with smaller hooks and a minute later a Trumpeter (really good eating) went in the bin (I love it when a plan works) and another Hapuka at the end of the drift. We ended up with 5 Hapuka and a trumpeter, doesn't sound a lot, but enough fish to feed both our families, parents and friends, no need to over fish a spot, as they say the best way to keep fish fresh is in the sea. So in the end we both got our fishing fix and had a great day off from work.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

21.07.2011 Winter is here

A rare sight in Gisborne, snow on the hills the day after it fell.
There hasn't been much action out at sea for a while now, every weekend since my last post has been terrible, with the odd fine day mid week. We have just had our first proper frost which is about 5 weeks later than normal and with that there was a great day for fishing but sadly mid week (should have taken the day off work). This weekend the forecast has a heavy rain warning for us...great. The skiers have had their prayers answered down south with a good dump of snow on the snow fields, so we up in the east coast of the North Island really haven't had it too bad so far. Hopefully we'll get a fine weekend soon so we can get out to sea.