Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Labour weekend is the first contest of the season, the contest was delayed a day due to bad weather. Sunday morning we got up at the crack of dawn 5.30 and headed to the ramp, the sea was calm and the swell slight, we headed off to our secret spot (Hams rock) we burlied up for 2 hours and caught nothing, with our confidence dropping we went for a look around the area as the sea was beautiful, not finding anything worth fishing on we headed out to tinman where we caught a dozen tarakihi and a pup hapuka, on the way home we stopped at gables and caught a small snapper.... nothing to weigh but we had a feed.

Monday we got up before the crack of dawn and headed to the ramp at 4.30, the sea was flat as, we threw out our game plan and headed deep to biastows for a drift fish in 200 metres of water, we managed to catch 2 hapuka 7.5 and 8.6kg, 2 small bluenose (beautiful eating) and 2 small gem fish (great smoked). With the sea breeze picking up we headed to south rocks where we added a small snapper to the bin, by now the sea breeze was in full force so it was time to go , again nothing to weigh in but it was our best deep drift fish so far.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


With the forecast good but the outlook bad we headed out early from tata ramp, we cruised out to Tinman 25 km's east, their was plenty of sign but anchoring was not good with cross currents to the light wind we caught a lot of rubbish fish that were returned so we decided to move we picked up a 6 hook dropper rig that contained 4 large red cod (more rubbish fish). Conditions were still good so we moved to gables again we had trouble anchoring on top of the fish sign, we managed 6 tarakihi and 1 pup hapuka, we boated 3 kingfish that were released being just undersized. By lunch the wind had picked up from the northwest so it was time to go, the closer to land the stronger the wind 20 -25 knots, the sea was getting quite choppy I am so impressed with the surtees bar crusher, she handled the conditions well, cruising back at 23 kms without any bother. By Sunday the weather had turned to custard again with southerlies and pouring rain.


Over the last few weekends the weather gods have been playing games, excellent conditions during the working week and turning to crap Friday night, so to beat the weather Muz and I took Friday off work and went fishing. Yes fine weather finaly, we headed out south rocks we first went to the shallows but wasn't any fish sign so we went to a rock that has done us well in the past, we fished in 50 metres of water catching 20 tarakihi and 1 snapper (all good eating)by lunch, the sea breaze was getting up so we headed for a look in deeper water past Westpac with no success.